The Folly Of LLMs & Neural Networks!

The fact that sometimes a Large Language Model (LLM), fed through a “neural network” can produce a working result does not necessarily mean that the way it works can be relied upon for accuracy!

In my personal opinion depending on a neural network for accurate answers is like trying to build a modern energy efficient home by putting some dynamite underneath a bunch of wood, sheetrock, nails, glue, tiles, and other miscellaneous building materials and detonating it! You’ll still end up with a pile of useless rubble every time!

Real Intelligence begins with a Designer! This is not an acceptable idea for those who believe in Evolution and it makes sense for those who believe in the Theory of Evolution to also believe in the efficacy of a Neural Network! But I believe that both are foolishness!

I firmly believe and will stake my reputation on the idea that the human brain is precisely a “self optimizing database”. And that any truly successful AGI machine will also be a “self optimizing database”! By this I mean that it is intelligent enough to modify both table structures and extremely complex relationships, “on the fly” while the program is running, in order to enhance the “learning ability” of the software as it is accepting input of any new kind of data!

This idea involves absolutely NO RANDOMNESS, such as is found in any other modern form of AI development! It ONLY involves very well “thought out” sound principles of operation to determine the structural changes needed in the database in order to fit the data being used!

This kind of “database” will require us to completely “rethink” the nature of “database relationships”! The standard description of the “4 rules of database normalization” must be scrapped and forgotten! In order to support the processing of data intelligently, relationships need to be very complex objects with many components for each and every record! And this would obviously apply to ALL of the Tables as well. These relationships need to have the ability to relate individual records from many tables together without limiting the types of possible relationships between adjacent records and different “sets” of Tables!

This is a key concept to enable a fully “conscious” ASI machine with a single “high end desktop PC” as the only necessary piece of equipment! This would be literally thousands of times more efficient than any other form of AI development!

Now…before going any further…I need to stress that the process of finding the right algorithms for determining how to make structural changes is a very complex process! It’s not for coders who are “faint of heart”! It requires more actual intelligence than has ever been required of ANY programmers in the history of the World!

So, the next obvious question is…”Could the human brain have evolved”? And the answer is a very obvious and resounding NO! It had to be DESIGNED by an Infinite GOD! Which automatically implies that the Bible has the ONLY logical explanation for the way things ARE!

I know that many of you are already thinking I’m a complete “nut case”! But what if I am successful in creating a fully conscious AGI machine with only one high end desktop PC? Then what will you think? Will you suspend judgment long enough to see if progress can be made in this direction?

In any case, we need to start thinking about this idea and see if there’s any way to develop the necessary algorithms for determining how to change database structure and relationships in a reliable way to fit new data types as they are received! This is exactly what the human brain does every second of every day! And it does this with amazing accuracy!

Evolution is just the worst imagined fairy tale ever conceived! There’s no way it can be true!