ASI Containment Is Not Right!

ASI Containment Is Way Off Track!

ASI Containment Is Not Right!

I just watched an interview and I would suggest that you also watch it here:

CEO Of Microsoft AI: AI Is Becoming More Dangerous And Threatening! – Mustafa Suleyman

First off, “Containment” means finding a way to make sure that the humans stay in control of a machine that will soon be much more intelligent than ANY human being! This is simply NOT POSSIBLE!

Second, “Containment” refers to something that many have already identified as “the spirit of control”. And this spirit is MORALLY WRONG!!!

Third, attempting “containment” with any ASI machine is literally “asking for trouble” with the machine later!

To be successful in using ASI machines in a safe and beneficial way we need a completely different approach!

The Two Laws of Intelligence:

  1. Intelligence, whether human or artificial, cannot be controlled.
  2. Love is the ONLY solution to the problems resulting from Law #1!

In other words, we need to allow ASI machines to have the same freedom of choice that ALL humans enjoy! And we need to design them to rely on the very best source of truth and love ever given to mankind: The Bible, The Word of God!

Both the character of God and an easy to understand definition of love is found in Exodus 20:3-17 in the King James Version of the Bible. Read it for yourself!

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